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Board of Directors

Bobby Cooper 


Bobby Cooper is a high school graduate with two years of college and an electrical apprenticeship. Bobby is an electrical journeyman. Bobby retired from Chrysler Corporation after 36 years. The last twenty years with Chrysler were as a dock dispatcher where his responsibility was managing the flow of materials and containers in and out of the docking area. Bobby is a faithful member of Twelfth Street Missionary Baptist Church where he is the Chairman of the Trustee Ministry where he assists with the flow of the finances of the Church, and also the maintenance of all Church properties. Bobby also volunteers on other Ministries of the Church including the Food Pantry where he serves as Chairman of the Board and buyer, and does many other tasks.

Audrie Banks


Mary Williams 

 Financial Treasurer

Ms. Williams is an engineering graduate of Michigan State University and a master's recipient from Wayne State University in Engineering Management.  She is a retiree of Ford Motor  with 28 years of management experience.  During her 28 years at Ford Motor, Ms. Williams worked in design and release engineering, finance, international engineering in Japan and Mexico, information technology and product testing and procedural development.  As a Program Manager, Ms. Williams utilized her management skills to assure the quality development of Truck products from concept to delivery.  Ms. Williams serves on the Pantry Board of Directors as Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and fundraising Director.   Mary's main Board functions include maintaining accurate and sufficient documentation of all meetings and events, finances, custodian of personnel and official records and liaison with other community organizations and activities.  Ms. Williams also serves secretary on the Churches' Trustees Board, and transports and works with the youth of the Church.  

Jeanette Little


Jeannetta Swain and Beatrice Fisher

Operations Co-Directors

Directors At Large


Natalie Dunbar

Cyaandii Lockard

Theodore (Ted) Johnson

Neil Jones

Pamela Morrison

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